Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Well deserved weekend...

I had a fabulous weekend. It was full of fun, friends, food, and a non-f-word, booze. Booze is not a dieters BFF. It is empty, empty, empty calories (as I hang my head in shame). But this is a weekend event I attend every year. It's the only guarantee I'm gonna get to see my Nevada buddy. It's a rip snortin good time and no diet (lifestyle change) is gonna stop me from attending and participating. I don't feel even the least bit bad about it.

The secret is to not let my weekend indulgences carry over to my week. Yesterday I got right back on the wagon. I ate appropriately and I worked it on out. I did T25 on my lunch hour and hot yoga last night. I felt better afterwards. And a little worse. I just had an inkling of the soreness yet to come because I hadn't been to actual hot yoga class in a week and a half. I did the yoga routine at home, but, dang it, it just isn't the same. And, you guessed it, I am a bit sore today, getting more sore as the day goes on. My goal is to hit yoga three times a week whenever possible. I am also switching my doubles day of T25 to Wednesdays instead of the suggested Fridays. It works better with my schedule. And I'm all about adapting my schedule these days. If I don't adapt there is a good chance I'm gonna throw down my stuff and just walk away. Yoga last night was hard. But, I am getting more flexible. I can touch my forehead to the floor in one of the forward bends and I can touch it to my knee (with my knee bent) in the pose where I am sitting on the floor with one leg out in front of me and the other knee bent. I'll take progress any day. I could feel my heart pounding after each of the poses last night. I don't know if it was the break or the weekends toxins exiting stage left, but it was the hardest my heart has ever pounded in that class.

I finally ordered my daily planner for the year. I feel more organized already. At least a little. It is easier to plan my workouts when I have everything else prioritized. It is the only way for me to keep working out from going straight to the back burner. So, if you are anything like me and like to get yourself a little overextended, I highly recommend having a planner and keeping it handy. That way you don't turn into a flake. I don't wanna be a flake... or fat, so a dorky planner it is! 

I am starting to cave. I have talked before about my competitiveness and that I can get a little obsessive. It's why I don't weigh myself. It's why I don't have a Fitbit yet. It's why I don't keep a calorie counter on my phone. Oh, wait, scratch that last one. I just downloaded one to my phone. It is compatible with a Fitbit. So, there is a good chance there is one of those fashion statements in my future. Which means, I'm gonna have to get on a scale. I'm not full in it yet, but I can see it coming. Picture me searching my house for batteries for the scale in the next couple days. Why now? I'm not sure other than I'm starting to feel good about myself and what better way to shoot that feeling all to hell than to stand my fat behind on the scale. I would hate to feel good about my progress for more than a week or so. Pffffft. Fart noise.

So, that is my weekend recap and strategy for dealing with the fall out. If I am totally honest, I really didn't eat all that bad. I avoided bread at all costs and tried to portion myself. There is no rationalizing the alcohol consumption, but, like I said, I had fun and I'm not gonna beat myself up over it. Although maybe that is where the advent of the calorie counter and Fitbit and the scale are coming from. Who knows. Happy working out this week! Drink your water! Eat your veggies!!

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