Monday, March 23, 2015

Nuts and Unicorns

Hey guys... Sorry I have been a little sporadic lately. What can I say, life happens. But, lucky you, I have some good stuff to talk about today.

First off, let me vent. I have mentioned that I started a new job. I love this job. Mostly because I love the people I am working for. They are good people and all that that statement entails. It is a good business and good experience for me.We have a business trip to Houston, Texas to meet with a software company this week. I will play an important part in running this software. I want to put forward my best face. I am a unicorn. Mythical creature full of beauty and grace???? Nope. I have a GIANT zit over my left eye. I'm not even a symmetrical unicorn. This thing is epic in proportion on the scale of zitdom. I thought I had it taken care of it this morning. No dice. It was just getting started. I normally have pretty nice skin. Or at least moderately nice skin. Not too many breakouts. Pores are of average size. Its doesn't usually give me cause for concern. But, now, the one week I wanted to make a decent representation of myself on behalf of my employer I decide to get my annual super zit. Super awesome. Unicorn. Pfffffffft.

Next. I eat a lot of nuts. Tree nuts are good for you. I swear. Google it. They are tasty, and satisfying, and convenient to pack as a snack. I am trying to be all about portion size (and that bass) these days and making sure that I am eating the appropriate amounts, not too much, and certainly not too little. Thank my calorie counter for my rekindled awareness. I don't measure very many things. I have been down this weight-loss road enough times to be able to gauge a cup of berries or a fistful serving of protein. I ALWAYS measure my nuts. While they are nutrition powerhouses, they are also calorie and fat powerhouses too. It's a good fat for you, so it's ok, but, in moderation as they say. Whether it be Thai chili almonds or salt and pepper pistachios, I measure my nuts.

Another nutrition side note. I am trying to go meatless more than not. Right now that means that my goal is to be meatless twice a day. Why? Am I going all tree-hugger on you? Nope, but there are all kinds of forms of protein out there and a lot of them make as tasty a meal as a chicken breast. NOTE: I did NOT say as tasty a meal as a steak. Not possible. But, they do make some fine options to add variety to my rut tendency diet habits. Meatless twice a day.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not afraid to snack on some turkey jerky. Or some beef jerky. Or any kind of jerky, really.

Last but not least. I am planning on working out while I am out of town. I don't want to break routine. I have been still kicking it T25 style and have been making hot yoga three times a week. I try to walk or hike on the weekends. I am aiming for activity each and every day. Its been going pretty good so far. I still haven't weighed. I'm holding steady on that stubborn internal battle. But... You should sit down for this... Are you sitting down? I ordered a FitBit with my tax return money. It will probably arrive later this week while I am gone. Stay tuned next week for my reviews of the whole thing.

I think that pretty much catches you up with the goings on of me... Unicorn, measure my nuts, meatless some of the time, and a FitBit. Whew!

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