Tuesday, March 10, 2015


So this one-(wo)man-band (that's me) has travelled over 1,736 miles over the past three weekends. And that is just on the weekends. I have basically run myself out of steam. You may remember that the last week I spent trying to die from the flu. I survived all four stages:

Stage One: Body aches and chorro. If you don't know what chorro is, you don't want to.

Stage Two: Headaches, excessive snot production, fever, chills.

Stage Three: Snot production continues, loss of skin on the end of nose from constant blowing/wiping, round two of body aches.

Stage Four: Minimal snot production, loss of voice.

Now, I'm sure you thinking that I am reaching for sympathy here. You're damn straight I am. Did you read that list. It was awful!! But I kicked it in the hind end. I managed to get my workouts in. I managed to shoot a wedding. I managed to not drive off the road from exhaustion. I WON!! And, with all that nastiness, I am actually VERY, VERY thankful that it didn't settle in my chest. No coughing. That is a big sigh of relief. Today is the first day that I feel like myself and can actually say that I am no longer a mouth breather. Fist pump. Happy dance. Whoot! Whoot!

So, moving on. I am staying home for a couple weeks. By staying home, I mean that I am doing everything I normally do (work, school, photography, work out) but I am not going more than 30 miles from my house for any reason. Me and my little car need a break and we have some serious catching up to do. As soon as I get done with this post it is time to bang out a term paper that I probably should have done a couple weeks ago. But hey, I work well under pressure.

Here is a funny fat chic **news flash**. I had someone offer to be my Beach Body Coach. Do any of you have a Coach? This is a guy that I worked with when I lived in Oregon. He has been a Coach for many years. I am supposed to talk to him on the phone on Thursday. So, stay tuned. It might be nice to have access to getting advice from a professional. You know, instead of just making it up as I go along. Bounce stuff off a neutral third party. While winging it is fun and all, I wonder what kind of results I would have if someone was cracking a whip a little bit. It's supposed to be free and I have to sign up through Team Beach Body. I'm quite certain that this is going to involve weighing in and measuring everything. I guess I get to bite another bullet... Or two. Maybe weighing in will be the price I pay for not being a one-(wo)man-band anymore in the health and fitness department. Stay tuned for what I'm sure will be some shocking numbers. FYI, if they are too bad, I probably won't share them. I'm shooting for honesty, not humility here. Sorry.

One last thing. I saw no less than 37 FitBits while I was in Oregon over the weekend. I would venture a guess that one of those is in my future as well. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em!!!

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