Thursday, May 23, 2013

Things that used to be hard aren't so hard now.

I'm gonna revisit the Ah-Ha moments for a minute. I keep having mini versions of them these days. For instance...

I have this yard, this ridiculously large yard, that I mow with a push mower. Takes two hours no matter what you do. That task used to zap me, that would count as exercise. Now, I don't even crack a sweat.

I'm not as crazy fast as the MMA fighters in my video, but I get a little faster everyday. Things get a little easier to do each week, like one legged burpees with a knee strike!

I don't feel pain with every movement I make and I have a crazy range of motion compared to the old me.

I also was never as strong as I thought I was. I was just throwing my weight around, literally. Things that used to be heavy to carry aren't so heavy anymore.

Mirrors aren't as painful as they once were. As a matter of fact I can look in one and not hate myself. That's kinda a big deal. I'm not perfectly happy with what I see either, but I don't run screaming to the fridge every time I look in one either.

My reflexes are faster. I can catch stuff I drop before it hits the ground. I may or may not be becoming a super hero.

It's just crazy to wake up one day and discover you aren't arguing all day with your body. I can't even imagine what I will feel like if I get these last 15-20 lbs off. Look out world, I could be on my to invincible.

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