Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Slumps, funks, and ruts

Here is a little something I do to myself on a regular basis. I put too much pressure on myself to the point where I have no choice but to fail and/or possibly sabotage myself into a tailspin. I know I'm not alone in this quandary. I think it comes with being a Type-A control freak that thinks they can do EVERYTHING. And, when I/we don't get our way, have outside influences ruin our plans, etc, I basically throw a fit that ends in failure of some kind. Which, once thrown leads to a session of "why did I do that??".  But here is the thing, it's ok to not be able to do it all all of the time. I'm not saying to stop trying. Not at all. But maybe find something that will fit your schedule, will maintain your level of fitness, and doesn't make you feel like you aren't getting it done. The past couple weeks I have been hit and miss on my TapOut XT2. Life and the spring/summer "busy" have taken over. But I'm getting it in when I can. On days I don't I make sure and get in my squat/crunch/push-up challenge. It doesn't take an obscene amount of time and I at least feel like I did something. I also try to keep my eating in check. Watch my portions, don't eat junk, and recognize emotional eating. I may not be dropping pounds like crazy right now, I may not be in my perfect body I'm striving for, but I feel good, I don't hate myself, and I know I'm not doing nothing. If you are in a slump, it's ok to take a little break, find something a little different to do in the mean time that does fit where your life is at, and by all means DO NOT beat yourself up or give up. You deserve the benefits of fitness as much as the next person, don't let life or anyone take that away from you. Unslump, defunk, steer outta that rut... And drink lots of water, I hear it's good for ya.

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