Tuesday, May 28, 2013

My new obsession...

I was all in a dither over getting into my size 12 jeans, remember. Now, my 11's require a belt. I have decided that happiness will be single digits. I'm getting closer, but things (when I say "things" I mean my nasty-ass fat) are coming off slowly. I hadn't weighed in a couple weeks because I hadn't been happy with my workout progress and was worried I'd gained. My delicate psyche wasn't in the mood to see an increased number on the scale so I just didn't weigh myself. But, I didn't feel like my clothes were getting tighter or anything and starting yesterday I was vowing to try harder to squeeze in my new workout regime. So, I weighed in. Over the last two weeks I accidentally lost two pounds. I was pleasantly surprised. The only thing that I can attribute it to is that I make healthy choices on auto pilot now. I really was not making an obsessive attempt at losing weight, and yet it happened anyways. It wasn't the 5 or 6 lbs I would like to lose over 2 weeks time, but I'll take it. I have 33 days before attending a wedding and I have 4 pairs of very cute size 9 jeans calling my name. I'm going to put forth a little more effort and see what happens. I am 12 to 17 lbs away from "goal" weight. So, here goes nothin. Wish me luck!!

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