Tuesday, March 31, 2015

It's official... I'm weird.

Just in case you guys had any doubts... I took a vote between me, myself, and I and it was unanimous. I'm weird. And getting weirder. Some of these came to light when I was travelling last week for work, some of them are everyday occurrences. Here is a list of things that I have noticed myself participating in lately (there is a good chance that I am beyond all help):

1. I am hooked on workout leggings. You know how I talked about yoga pants not actually being for yoga. As it turns out leggings are quite handy. The ones that I am sporting these days are knock-offs of compression pants, as in they look the same but don't cost the same. I love them so much that after payday I plan on buying no less than seven more pairs. Who cares if I ever fit in my jeans again. I found workout leggings. I have been wearing them to work. My excuse is that I am walking at lunch. Truth... I don't ever want to wear pants again if I don't have to. I even wore them to Wal*Mart one day with a hooded sweatshirt, a ball cap, and no make-up. This is sooooooo far out of character for me I don't even know who that person was that day. But I do know that she will probably be the star in the next mass email entitled People of Wal*Mart.

2. I have a hard time sitting still. I don't tweak the whole time I am sitting somewhere, but I do get up as often as possible and I consider anything beyond 20 minutes a challenge/torture. This was aptly demonstrated by the 47 laps I did of the Denver airport when we got delayed there last Wednesday for 6 and a half hours. My boss started clocking me. Good news, I got my steps in, bad news, I don't know how healthy my Zen is right now.

3. Travel weirdness #2. I don't like escalators. I don't like flat escalators, I don't know what their technical name is so I will refer to them as 2-dimensions escalators from here on out. When posed with the option of stairs or an escalator, I will choose the stairs every time. Before you pat me on the back for making a heart-healthy choice, know this, it has nothing to do with my health. I am afraid that I will trip and fall (entirely likely) and my afro mop of a head of hair will get caught in it and I will either end up bald or trampled to death by the other passengers on the escalator. If I trip on the stairs I am looking at a broken limb at best. It's really about risk assessment. Same deal with 2-dimension escalators, trip, fall, hair caught, bald, road rash on face, death by trampling.

4. I eat an inordinately large amount of Tabasco and other items deemed as "hot" by other people. I knew this already, but I had not realized that it was reaching epic proportions. When we were in Houston we went to a BBQ joint one evening for dinner. This was my travel splurge. I tried really hard to portion myself for the rest of the trip, but ME + TEXAS BBQ = ALL BETS ARE OFF. One of the sides I ordered was Jalapeno Pinto Beans. I thought they would be a healthier choice than Baked Beans. At the end of the line they had a giant vat of sliced jalapenos. I loaded up on those and headed for the picnic table outside. One of my travel companions was sitting across from me watching me douse the beans and jalapenos with Tabasco without even tasting them. I instinctively knew they were not hot enough. And they weren't. And in all honesty Tabasco isn't really hot anymore either, just kinda flavorful vinegar. She commented that I was going to ruin my taste buds. I'm afraid that ship has sailed.

5. I have a fear of flying. Now, this isn't all that weird, lots of people are afraid of flying. But the root of my fear is a little strange. Is it the take off or landing? Nope. I like the view up there. Is it the speed with which the plane goes? Nope. I'd test drive a race car tomorrow if someone would let me. Is it the thought of a plane crash? Yes. 5%. That reason is the same percentage of fear that I have of slipping and breaking a hip in the shower. Pretty nominal. Is it being in a confined space with 160 other people? DING! DING! DING! We have a winner. I am not meant to be around or confined by large crowds. Weirds me straight out. Every time someone coughed I knew I was getting Ebola. Every time a kid cried, I wanted to stab my eyes out. Every time a stranger touched me, I almost had a Rain Man come apart. As much as those of you that know me think I am a people person, it is restricted to 4, maybe 5 people tops. Anything beyond that I am a neurotic mess.

6. I am getting into gadgetry and I don't hate it. After getting my FitBit, I have all kinds of apps on my iPhone (I have NO idea what I was doing before an iPhone). I have my calorie app (My Fitness Pal) and it talks to my FitBit app and vice versa. I was worried about being all obsessive about my steps and calories, and I am. No doubt about it. I religiously plug my info in whenever I eat. I check my steps several times a day. I am confident that the calorie app is helping me stay accountable on my portions and is helping me analyze how much carbs/fat/protein I am eating along with sodium and vitamin levels. So, that can't be all bad. The FitBit is undoubtedly making think about getting up and moving more. I have another app that has a virtual version of me at my current weight and then another virtual version of me at my goal weight. I can change her clothes and turn her around. She gives me a visual of what I am working towards. It is called My Model. And finally I have Yoga Body. It allows me to see yoga poses to do on the fly, gives out occasional tips, and links to a podcast I sometimes listen to. So, I have turned into a geek. A big one.

I'm gonna cut this list short at 6 items. But trust me, there are more. Maybe it is what I am evolving into in my old age. Maybe I have always been weird and I am just willing to admit it now. Who knows, but the weird is most certainly there out in the open for all the world to see. You're welcome.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Why Did I Do That?

Have you ever seen the show Mike and Molly? It stars Melissa McCarthy and Billy Gardell as Molly and Mike respectively. It is a comedy, as you can imagine with those two, about an overweight married couple. It is side holding funny most of the time. The fat kid things and the ways that they talk about food and weight loss hit home for me BIG TIME. On Monday the episode was celebrating the fact that Mike (Billy Gardell) has lost 50 pounds. It began with him squeezing into jeans he hadn't worn in ten years, albeit they were pretty tight. Everyone was congratulating him, he felt great. At lunch that day he treated himself to a piece of pie. His first cheat since he began losing. Next morning on the scale, he had gained 5 pounds. He was destroyed. The wind was swept right out of his sails. He decided he had to starve himself which led to an incredibly bad, low blood sugar, everything worked against him, kind of day. He skipped breakfast. He had to watch his work partner eat a giant to-go box of greasy noodles. He expressed he desire to trade metabolisms with his ever fit, junk-eating friend. He lashed out at someone at work. At the end of his day he was sitting on the couch telling Molly that he was barely hanging on. He wanted to know when every waking minute of his day wouldn't be spent worrying about what he put in his mouth. He wanted to know when it wouldn't be a constant struggle. At the end of the episode they went to an over-eaters anonymous meeting (something they do sometimes and where they met) and he talked about the fact that he needed to celebrate the healthy journey he was on, appreciate the fact that he was trying and not get upset (or too excited) about the numbers.

Why did I just summarize a TV show for you? Because, even though I totally related to it on Monday. Today I appreciate the real value of that episode.

I had to weigh my luggage for my trip that I am flying out for in few hours. I tend to over-pack and as it turns out, that can really cost you these days. That meant new batteries for the bathroom scale. I thought to myself, since the scale is up and running again and the FitBit is coming, I'll just check and see if I am close to where I think I am. No. Not close at all. I honestly thought I had about 50 pounds to go. In order to get to the high end of the weight range that I should be in according to the great health and body weight charts, I have 100 pounds to go. 97 to be exact. But basically twice as much weight as I thought I had. When I look at myself in the mirror I don't see a hundred extra pounds, but it must be there. I was destroyed. I have no idea how far I have come, and that is my own fault, but I was not expecting this blow this morning. My Mom, in her infinite wisdom, told me I need to measure, not weigh. She is correct. So, Monday, when I am back from my trip, that is exactly what is going to happen. I am in the exact place that Mike is. I am (was) feeling good about my progress, am starting to fit into jeans that I like and can appreciate their size, I am feeling good in general from all the exercise and healthy eating. Why does a number on the scale have so much damn power over me!?!?!?! I am presented with several options today...

1) Throw away the scale.

While this option is currently the most appealing, it isn't the scales fault. I did this, not it. It is just calling like it sees it. Hiding from what it is telling me is probably not the most (mentally) healthy option.

2) Go into full on starvation mode in an attempt to see some rapid, if torturous results.

Probably my least healthy option. I could go on a juice cleanse and drop 40 pounds in the next month and feel like I am getting something done. I have done it before, I know how it works. I would have to forgo all the lean muscle I have been trying to build. I would have to be OK with not eating anything solid for a while. I would have to accept the fact that my hair will fall out in another 4 months. Again, probably not the healthiest of options.

3) Get depressed.

I could just say f*@$k it and decide that I am supposed to be fat. All this work is for nothing, and just settle into a life of pudgy shame. But, I don't want pudgy shame, I want happy healthy.

4) I can keep on keeping on.

Until I stepped on that scale this morning I was feeling pretty good about myself and all the work I have been doing. Why stop now just because I have a measurement for it?

I'm going to go with door number 4. I am going to keep trying as hard as I have been trying. I'm not going to stop eating because A) I like to eat, B) It isn't healthy not to, and C) It isn't the right answer in the long run. I am going to keep exercising because I like it. I didn't hate myself in the mirror at yoga yesterday. That is a huge step. I didn't hate myself when I was lifting weights and doing push-ups this morning. Why should I decide to hate myself today just because I stepped on a scale? I don't have the answer to Mike's question. I don't know when every waking minute won't be about losing weight or making weight loss choices. But, I do know that I am not letting that scale dictate my program. I will measure. I will stay active. I will eat right. I will win. I'm the tortoise these days, instead of the hare, slow and steady wins the race. 

Monday, March 23, 2015

Nuts and Unicorns

Hey guys... Sorry I have been a little sporadic lately. What can I say, life happens. But, lucky you, I have some good stuff to talk about today.

First off, let me vent. I have mentioned that I started a new job. I love this job. Mostly because I love the people I am working for. They are good people and all that that statement entails. It is a good business and good experience for me.We have a business trip to Houston, Texas to meet with a software company this week. I will play an important part in running this software. I want to put forward my best face. I am a unicorn. Mythical creature full of beauty and grace???? Nope. I have a GIANT zit over my left eye. I'm not even a symmetrical unicorn. This thing is epic in proportion on the scale of zitdom. I thought I had it taken care of it this morning. No dice. It was just getting started. I normally have pretty nice skin. Or at least moderately nice skin. Not too many breakouts. Pores are of average size. Its doesn't usually give me cause for concern. But, now, the one week I wanted to make a decent representation of myself on behalf of my employer I decide to get my annual super zit. Super awesome. Unicorn. Pfffffffft.

Next. I eat a lot of nuts. Tree nuts are good for you. I swear. Google it. They are tasty, and satisfying, and convenient to pack as a snack. I am trying to be all about portion size (and that bass) these days and making sure that I am eating the appropriate amounts, not too much, and certainly not too little. Thank my calorie counter for my rekindled awareness. I don't measure very many things. I have been down this weight-loss road enough times to be able to gauge a cup of berries or a fistful serving of protein. I ALWAYS measure my nuts. While they are nutrition powerhouses, they are also calorie and fat powerhouses too. It's a good fat for you, so it's ok, but, in moderation as they say. Whether it be Thai chili almonds or salt and pepper pistachios, I measure my nuts.

Another nutrition side note. I am trying to go meatless more than not. Right now that means that my goal is to be meatless twice a day. Why? Am I going all tree-hugger on you? Nope, but there are all kinds of forms of protein out there and a lot of them make as tasty a meal as a chicken breast. NOTE: I did NOT say as tasty a meal as a steak. Not possible. But, they do make some fine options to add variety to my rut tendency diet habits. Meatless twice a day.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not afraid to snack on some turkey jerky. Or some beef jerky. Or any kind of jerky, really.

Last but not least. I am planning on working out while I am out of town. I don't want to break routine. I have been still kicking it T25 style and have been making hot yoga three times a week. I try to walk or hike on the weekends. I am aiming for activity each and every day. Its been going pretty good so far. I still haven't weighed. I'm holding steady on that stubborn internal battle. But... You should sit down for this... Are you sitting down? I ordered a FitBit with my tax return money. It will probably arrive later this week while I am gone. Stay tuned next week for my reviews of the whole thing.

I think that pretty much catches you up with the goings on of me... Unicorn, measure my nuts, meatless some of the time, and a FitBit. Whew!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

To heck with it.

I said to heck with it today. Have you ever done that? Even though you had something else (most likely important) to do, but something else was calling your name. It seduced you into to saying to heck with it.

I have full plate these days. Don't feel sorry for me, I do it to myself. I have myself in a moderate state of overwhelmed at all times. That is where I comfortably live. But, today, I have had just about enough. My personal life is getting more demanding. My work life is ever growing. And, it is my last day of class before Spring Break. I had a test in my hardest class this morning. I have had several big assignments due this week. My brain is fried. I am a smart person, but I am not an academic. My heart (and body) belong outside. So, when It came to lunch time today instead of rushing back inside to work on more homework after I scarfed my open-faced avocado and egg salad on sprouted bread sandwich, I went for a walk. It was absolutely glorious outside. I made two full laps around the campus in 30 minutes. I listened to the funkiest music I had in my iTunes. I danced a little sometimes regardless of passing cars or lookyloos. About 3/4 of the way through the first lap I started feeling pretty darn good. It felt good to thumb my nose at my homework. It felt good to feel the sunshine on my face. It felt good to move myself. 

Sometimes you just have to say the heck with it and go soak up some vitamin D and dance in the street like no one is watching. 

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

John Burroughs

Sometimes other people can just express how you are feeling better than you can say it yourself. For example, today, Pioneer Woman posted about motivation. But more importantly she used some quotes from John Burroughs to get her point across. Between the two of them they nailed it on the head as to why I love to be outside, why I love the Owyhee Mountains, and why I am totally LOVING this b-e-autiful Spring we are having. Give it a read if you have a minute...


I'm gonna run out and find a John Burroughs book to read. Thank you very much.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

I believe I can fly.

Sing with me...

I believe I can fly
I believe I can touch the sky
I think about it every night and day (Night and day)
Spread my wings and fly away
I believe I can soar
I see me running through that open door
I believe I can fly
I believe I can fly
I believe I can fly hoo

Now, since my recent posts have been a little more serious and have touched on some hard hitting issues, you might think I have mentioned this song with an inspirational intent. WRONG. I believe I can fly because I do have wings. Bat wings. 

Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't the most ridiculous place on your body to gain weight the back of your arms??? I mean seriously. When I am fit, and with minimal effort, I have some guns. My biceps beef up pretty easily. It is one of the only places where I like my body. I have been lifting a lot more in T25 and I can tell that my biceps are starting to take shape. But in yoga, oh that dang yoga, when I hold my arms up all I see in the mirror is my "wings". What a useless bunch of skin that is!! I could pass as a loose skinned shar pei if you just looked at my arms... Or my gut... Or my back fat. None of those bother me nearly as much as my arms. 

I am doing tricep exercises and push-ups like crazy to try and get ready for tank top season. Which, with this early spring, is not all that far away. To hell with wearing a bathing suit, I can't swim anyways. But I want to be able to wear a cute and comfy tank top to a BBQ without worrying that someone will lose their lunch. I don't wanna fly. I don't wanna hang glide. I don't wanna soar. I want my feet on the ground and my arms flat at my sides. 

On a side note about yoga. I'm sure that true believers in yoga probably also have an affinity for the concept of karma. I got a healthy dose of it last night. The fart heard 'round the world did not hold a candle to the gentleman that was next to me in yoga last night. He either had no sphincter control or not a care in the world. There was air leaking out of him from both ends like pin poked balloon. So, this will be the last time I mention farting in yoga. I'm trying to heal my karma. 

Happy Tuesday! Drink your water. 

Saturday, March 14, 2015

The Fart Hear 'Round the World

Happy Saturday!

I hit up hot yoga for the first time in a almost two weeks this morning. It was a little rough. I was full-on empty stomach, and it was a new-to-me instructor, and she kept it HOT in there. Thus, the inevitable nausea set in. I did pretty good through the standing postures and even got some more stretch and extension than before. The standing head to knee pose has always just been a battle to be able to grab my foot with one hand, let alone two. Now I can grab with both and extend my leg. So, hey, progress.

The yoga room is basically in the shape of a giant capital P. Normally we are in the back of the room in the corner, which is the bottom part of the curve side of the P. The yoga instructors told my Mom that she had to change her spot due to the fact that she has kind of stalemated on her progress. She has just stayed the same for a little while. She struggles with the balancing postures a lot, but she also doesn't try very hard to do them either. I'm glad they said something to her instead of me. Instant fight starter if I said anything, I'm sure. So, today we moved to the front of the room but to the far side. The bottom half of the straight part of the P. This puts us right at the front mirrors. I kinda liked this move. Since it had been a couple weeks I wanted to gawk around anyways and this kept me more focused. Once the balancing posture were over and we dropped to the floor, I could really feel the heat. I've never seen that kind of heat. Steaming, white hot, heat, bro. (Name that movie).

We roll through the floor poses and get to Camel. I've talked about Camel before, it is the one that does funny things to people. Some people get queasy (me), some people cry, they have had people throw up. It a weird one, man. Well, apparently it also makes some people fart. We stood up on our knees, I'm doing everything I can to not have icky burps, and what squeaks out of someone, a big ole fart. Pfffffffffft! Now, by process of elimination, I know it wasn't me. My Mom was right next to me and there was one gal behind us kinda kitty corner. One of them was the culprit. Everyone in the room was a lot more adult about it than I am being now. They just pretended they didn't hear it. I heard it. People outside of the room heard it. People down the street heard it. People in Russia heard it. That's how quiet it was in that room when it happened. It really was The Fart Heard Round The World!! Yoga, I tell you what, it is a new experience every time I go in there.

There was a new instructor today and she talked extensively during the class. She followed the words, but she filled in the space in between. She talked about all the healing things you can do for your body with your breath and the different things that each of the postures can do for your health. She had specific hormones, and lymph nodes, and systems that she could recite. I liked that. It made me think of my friend. I'm not saying that yoga can cure cancer, but what if it could help her supportively. Supportive care is important too. I might see if she is game when she gets back from her next round of treatments. If nothing else, it can't hurt, right?

Have a great weekend, and if you hear a strange noise around 8:30AM tomorrow, well, you know.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Gaining Perspective

This blog is normally about losing.  Losing weight, losing baggage, losing my mind. Today is different. Today is about gaining. Yesterday I gained some perspective.

A very close family friend is battling cancer. The Big C. Is there a person's life that hasn't been touched by cancer?? I have a prestigious list of people that I know and that I dearly love that have gone toe to toe with cancer; some have won, some have lost. 

This particular person is one of the toughest people I know. I'm not sure she even feels physical pain. I am going to give you an extremely abbreviated version of what she has been through in the past few months. It won't begin to describe the highs and lows that she and her family have experienced, but you will get the gist. She was diagnosed before Christmas. The doctors opted to have her do radiation before surgery. Her post-radiation CT scan two weeks ago showed an extra spot popping up on her liver. This changed the protocol for her surgery because they needed to address two issues with two separate procedures. Yesterday was surgery day. The first procedure was going to be guided by another CT scan. When they got her under anesthesia and in the CT, they discovered 7 more tumors that had cropped up in two weeks time. She was sent home with a prescription and a 2 month timeline for her life. 

She is a fighter. She is not going to let yesterday be the end. She is seeking alternative treatment plans. If anyone could find an alternative to western medicine to cure herself, it is this person. I have to have faith that she will beat this. The alternative is too hard to think about at this point. I have seen this woman fall face first in the shit countless times and she always comes out smelling like a rose. She is the person you never worry about, because she is so self-sufficient. She is a comedy of errors that range from entertaining to scary, but always end up ok. She is hard-headed and hears what she wants to sometimes, but this is how she stays incredibly positive and able to shake things off. This is not just cancer I am talking about, this is how she approaches life. Nothing bad in = nothing bad out. This is how she survives. She has operated her battle with cancer with the same flare. Losing this war is not an option for her. She has educated herself, defended herself, and pushed her "team" to make the right decisions for her. That attitude will be what saves her. 

I can't help but let the worst creep into my mind a little. I am a "hope for the best, prepare for the worst" type of person. It makes me reflect on the life that she has had to this point. She is one person that I can say has lived the life she wanted to live. She pursues the things she wants with great passion. She goes and does the things she wants to do. She asks forgiveness, not permission. She loves her people deeply and with gusto. She is soulful and compassionate at the most unexpected times, the times you really need it. This woman lives her life to fullest each and every day. No wasted days. Who can say that? I don't think I can. But I'm going to try. 

I want this post to mainly be about her, but let's tie it in to our regular theme a little. She is a healthy, active person. She doesn't drink, she isn't overweight, she gets plenty of fresh air and exercise. She shouldn't be sick. She. Should. Not. Be. Sick. So, let's put a little perspective on the health aspect. I worry about my weight, what I eat, and how much I exercise ALL OF THE TIME. Right now every fun thing I do I am calculating calories, or budgeting time for workouts, or worrying that I am over or short on one of those two fronts. It takes some of the fun out of having fun. My perspective is this: Be conscious of your health, live a healthy lifestyle, but don't let it BE your life. Go have experiences. Spend time with your loved ones. Chase your dreams. Don't spend your whole life counting calories and steps. Look up from your devices and feel the sun on your face. Put things in perspective and then go LIVE. Live to the fullest. As cliche as it sounds, life is short. There is no way to predict when your time is up. I am certain that my friend's time is NOT up, but I am also certain she is content that she has really lived. I want to know that I will be content someday. We should all have that much perspective. 

Tuesday, March 10, 2015


So this one-(wo)man-band (that's me) has travelled over 1,736 miles over the past three weekends. And that is just on the weekends. I have basically run myself out of steam. You may remember that the last week I spent trying to die from the flu. I survived all four stages:

Stage One: Body aches and chorro. If you don't know what chorro is, you don't want to.

Stage Two: Headaches, excessive snot production, fever, chills.

Stage Three: Snot production continues, loss of skin on the end of nose from constant blowing/wiping, round two of body aches.

Stage Four: Minimal snot production, loss of voice.

Now, I'm sure you thinking that I am reaching for sympathy here. You're damn straight I am. Did you read that list. It was awful!! But I kicked it in the hind end. I managed to get my workouts in. I managed to shoot a wedding. I managed to not drive off the road from exhaustion. I WON!! And, with all that nastiness, I am actually VERY, VERY thankful that it didn't settle in my chest. No coughing. That is a big sigh of relief. Today is the first day that I feel like myself and can actually say that I am no longer a mouth breather. Fist pump. Happy dance. Whoot! Whoot!

So, moving on. I am staying home for a couple weeks. By staying home, I mean that I am doing everything I normally do (work, school, photography, work out) but I am not going more than 30 miles from my house for any reason. Me and my little car need a break and we have some serious catching up to do. As soon as I get done with this post it is time to bang out a term paper that I probably should have done a couple weeks ago. But hey, I work well under pressure.

Here is a funny fat chic **news flash**. I had someone offer to be my Beach Body Coach. Do any of you have a Coach? This is a guy that I worked with when I lived in Oregon. He has been a Coach for many years. I am supposed to talk to him on the phone on Thursday. So, stay tuned. It might be nice to have access to getting advice from a professional. You know, instead of just making it up as I go along. Bounce stuff off a neutral third party. While winging it is fun and all, I wonder what kind of results I would have if someone was cracking a whip a little bit. It's supposed to be free and I have to sign up through Team Beach Body. I'm quite certain that this is going to involve weighing in and measuring everything. I guess I get to bite another bullet... Or two. Maybe weighing in will be the price I pay for not being a one-(wo)man-band anymore in the health and fitness department. Stay tuned for what I'm sure will be some shocking numbers. FYI, if they are too bad, I probably won't share them. I'm shooting for honesty, not humility here. Sorry.

One last thing. I saw no less than 37 FitBits while I was in Oregon over the weekend. I would venture a guess that one of those is in my future as well. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em!!!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Well, crap.

Debilitating flu in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...!!

I vowed not to get sick this time. I seem to be especially susceptible to respiratory infections of all kinds. I blame it on still having my tonsils. Damn tonsils. There has been a decent bout of the flu running around my town and my family. I was hoping that by being gone last weekend I was going to avoid the infectious phase.

Yeah, about that. Yesterday I was thinking uh-oh, I'm getting sick. By the end of the day I was D-O-N-E done. Today I wish someone would put me out of my misery. I played hookie from my afternoon class, ran by Wal*Mart and got some stuff to make soup, and promptly went home. I am skipping my workout today. I haven't legitimately skipped a workout since I started this whole shin dig again. I don't think it would have done me one bit of good to battle through this one. As a matter of fact, I'm sure I would have tapped out 5 minutes in to it. Instead I consumed at least a half a pot of white bean-kale-butternut squash-& little bit of chicken soup. I put A LOT of red pepper flakes and garlic in it to burn this nasty bug out of me. I'm gonna venture a guess that the "soreness" I thought I had from working out earlier this week was actually the precursor body aches for this gnarly thing that is overtaking me right now.

I am a bundle of sweatshirts, snot, Vics Vapor Rub, and wadded up toilet paper right now. GROSS!!!

I have a big weekend coming up that involves travelling and shooting a wedding, so I need to be on my A-game. Speedy recovery in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...!!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Well deserved weekend...

I had a fabulous weekend. It was full of fun, friends, food, and a non-f-word, booze. Booze is not a dieters BFF. It is empty, empty, empty calories (as I hang my head in shame). But this is a weekend event I attend every year. It's the only guarantee I'm gonna get to see my Nevada buddy. It's a rip snortin good time and no diet (lifestyle change) is gonna stop me from attending and participating. I don't feel even the least bit bad about it.

The secret is to not let my weekend indulgences carry over to my week. Yesterday I got right back on the wagon. I ate appropriately and I worked it on out. I did T25 on my lunch hour and hot yoga last night. I felt better afterwards. And a little worse. I just had an inkling of the soreness yet to come because I hadn't been to actual hot yoga class in a week and a half. I did the yoga routine at home, but, dang it, it just isn't the same. And, you guessed it, I am a bit sore today, getting more sore as the day goes on. My goal is to hit yoga three times a week whenever possible. I am also switching my doubles day of T25 to Wednesdays instead of the suggested Fridays. It works better with my schedule. And I'm all about adapting my schedule these days. If I don't adapt there is a good chance I'm gonna throw down my stuff and just walk away. Yoga last night was hard. But, I am getting more flexible. I can touch my forehead to the floor in one of the forward bends and I can touch it to my knee (with my knee bent) in the pose where I am sitting on the floor with one leg out in front of me and the other knee bent. I'll take progress any day. I could feel my heart pounding after each of the poses last night. I don't know if it was the break or the weekends toxins exiting stage left, but it was the hardest my heart has ever pounded in that class.

I finally ordered my daily planner for the year. I feel more organized already. At least a little. It is easier to plan my workouts when I have everything else prioritized. It is the only way for me to keep working out from going straight to the back burner. So, if you are anything like me and like to get yourself a little overextended, I highly recommend having a planner and keeping it handy. That way you don't turn into a flake. I don't wanna be a flake... or fat, so a dorky planner it is! 

I am starting to cave. I have talked before about my competitiveness and that I can get a little obsessive. It's why I don't weigh myself. It's why I don't have a Fitbit yet. It's why I don't keep a calorie counter on my phone. Oh, wait, scratch that last one. I just downloaded one to my phone. It is compatible with a Fitbit. So, there is a good chance there is one of those fashion statements in my future. Which means, I'm gonna have to get on a scale. I'm not full in it yet, but I can see it coming. Picture me searching my house for batteries for the scale in the next couple days. Why now? I'm not sure other than I'm starting to feel good about myself and what better way to shoot that feeling all to hell than to stand my fat behind on the scale. I would hate to feel good about my progress for more than a week or so. Pffffft. Fart noise.

So, that is my weekend recap and strategy for dealing with the fall out. If I am totally honest, I really didn't eat all that bad. I avoided bread at all costs and tried to portion myself. There is no rationalizing the alcohol consumption, but, like I said, I had fun and I'm not gonna beat myself up over it. Although maybe that is where the advent of the calorie counter and Fitbit and the scale are coming from. Who knows. Happy working out this week! Drink your water! Eat your veggies!!