Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New Year, New You

Have you ever heard that slogan?? New year, new you.

It is the devoted chant of New Year's resolution makers across the world. I'm tapping out on the inspirational chant this year. Couple of reasons... Fat (emphasis on the fat) lot of good it has done me in the past. I have vowed time and time again to lose weight after the first of the year. Do better. Eat better. Exercise more. I just knew I would be better person for it. Right now I am fat and I am not a bad person. So, if it is in your heart at all that those two things are synonymous, put a stop to it right now. If you aren't at your perfect weight, you are still beautiful, you are still good, you are amazingly you. You don't need a new you. You is perfect. Not to throw any religion at you, but you were made by someone that knows a lot more about life than you do. HE made you perfectly you. Thick or thin. It is society and our own interpretations of its expectations that make us think we need to be a new us. So, stop hating yourself right now. It will be a million times more valuable to your health than a 1,000 miles on a treadmill will ever be.  Secondly, why do we have to wait until the new year to make a change in our lives. I like to challenge the rules of life a little. That's why I bucked the system and started 3 weeks early this year. Ha, take that New Year's resolution. I beat you to the punch.

What does all this pseudo-philosophy mean for my New Year's celebrating this evening???

Nothing. I'm gonna party like it is 19-99!! I'm gonna eat naughty, cream cheese based dips... Off of chips no less. I'm even gonna make one of my own and take it to the party. I'm gonna have a few libations because, dang it, I have friends that are fun to drink with. I'm gonna laugh. I'm gonna poke fun at some people. I'm gonna cheer Boise State all the way to victory. I'm gonna have a good time. I'm going to try and do it in moderation. But if I overindulge, I'm not going to hate myself tomorrow. I'm going to plug in Shaun T and bust my butt. I'm happy just thinking about it.

Happy New Year's Final Fifty fans!!! Thank you for tuning in. It makes think I'm not alone in this eternal battle of the bulge. CHEERS!!!

P.S. I ate at Olive Garden last night. Basically the worst place for a person watching what they eat to eat at. I did really good. I skipped the breadsticks (not the salad, I LOVE their salad) and had rosemary chicken with roasted garlic on a bead of fresh spinach with a side of garlic mashed potatoes. AND, for the first time in I can't remember how long, I didn't finish my plate. It was delicious, but I got full. I realized it. I stopped eating. Don't expect this kind of news every day from me.

P.P.S. It was leg day today. My legs feel like I just got off a very small ocean vessel. Thank you Shaun T for reminding me that I have a loooooooooong way to go.

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