Tuesday, December 30, 2014


Today is the day. What day is it you ask??? Today is the first day I have noticed some progress!!! Let's break it down...

1. I tried today. But isn't just the act of doing the workout trying? Yes. And no. Today is the first day that I thought to myself, "I can push a little harder." And I did. They say your get more results that way, we'll see. What I know for sure is that I wanted to try harder. That is a big step.

2. I did more hopping and less modifying. Remember Tanya? Well, she does the low impact version of everything. God bless her little heart. There is A LOT of jumping in T25. Today I did most of it, not all of it, but most of it.

3. I steamed up the windows in my workout room. Now, some might attribute this to the fact that it is only 8 degrees outside and the combination of humid indoor heat vs. the frigid dry air outside created foggy windows. I say it is because I'm burnin it up on my workout. I had to muster up a lot of enthusiasm that I don't necessarily have to write that last sentence, so go ahead and give me a virtual high-five on that one. As a side note, did you know that the way to have a perfect, never miss, high-five is to look at the other person's elbow during the undertaking of the high-five. You're welcome.

4. I could bend over a little more today. AKA I felt more flexible. Over the past few months my body has been assuming approximately three positions, sitting at the computer, walking to class, and sleeping. There has been a little variety thrown in with a photo shoot here and there but those lead to more computer time. So, all this bending over, doing quad stretches, standing on one foot stuff has been a little foreign to me and my core the past 3 weeks. They keep saying core in the videos, jury is still on whether or not I have one. Today, I felt pretty good. Don't get me wrong, I am still acutely aware of my gut while I am bending over. I am still cussing every dimple in my thighs when I'm down there staring at them. My hips are still stiff as hell. But the title for today is PROGRESS, not perfection.

5. And finally, I could clap under my knee during the Heisman. You would have to be doing T25 to understand that gibberish sentence I just threw at you, but believe me, that's a big deal.

Added bonus tip for today (me being preachy again)... DRINK YOUR WATER. I mean it. It is super hard this time of year because it is cold outside. But, you will feel better, your skin will be more moisturized (I looked like a molting lizard 3 weeks ago, now I am glowing (hahahaha), not really, but I'm not flaking dry skin everywhere now), your kidneys will be happy, and you will flush all the holiday junk out of your system. Here's what I'm doing: I drink a minimum of 3 liter bottles of water per day plus I keep a pitcher of lemon water in the fridge. Sometimes I throw in some mint. Sometimes I don't. I try to drink another several mason jar glasses (I'm redneck like that) of that water a day. Moral of the story... DRINK YOUR WATER.

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