Monday, December 29, 2014

The Beachbody Dynasty

I know you are all waiting on pins and needles to see what kind of workout I'm doing this time around.  Have you ever seen the cartoon saying things on Facebook and other social media, you the ones that have vintage looking people drawn with funny little notes?? I'm not cool enough to know what they are really called, but you know what I am talking about. Anyways, I saw one the other day that said, "No one wants to hear about your workout unless you fell off the treadmill." I got a good chuckle from that one. I didn't laugh until I cried or anything, but it was worth at least a smiling smirk. I, however, assume that you are here reading this because you do want to hear about my workout. If you don't, I'm sure there are 75 million other blogs out there that might interest you.

Here goes nothing... Remember when I was insane and did Insanity??? Well, as it turns out, I really like Shaun T. If it weren't for our many differences (he's fit, I'm not, he's a city kid, I'm not, he is famous, I'm not, the list goes on) I would probably be begging to have his babies. His workouts are work. That is the number one thing I look for in a workout, don't you? Sometimes when he is just warming things up you think to yourself this isn't so bad. That is a mistake, a very big mistake. He is also encouraging. He never puts me down for not being able to something (Tony Horton, I mean you). Right now I am doing T25. I was lured in by the thought of only working out for 25 minutes a day. Let's face it, 25 minutes is actually an hour by the time you find, and begrudgingly put on, your workout clothes, round up a water bottle, hit play, watch the Shakeology commercial at the start of every DVD, workout, cool down, spend enough time lollygagging around that you finally stop sweating and can go take a shower, a 25 minute workout is at least an hour, or more. I know, I know, what's an hour of your day if it means being healthy and fit. Well, quite frankly, it's a lot. I know I am not the only person with a busy life. Everybody has something going on that keeps them from devoting the time that they should to their health. So, here I am trying out T25. Here is the vast difference between T25 and Insanity. There are NO breaks. That's right, there are absolutely NO breaks. My legs are shaking almost daily with the non-stop action of T25. Here is the second major difference... In Shaun T's videos there is always this chic named Tanya. I hated her in Insanity. My hatred for Tanya was the only thing that kept me going some days. She seemed smug. Everything was just so easy for her. And about halfway through I convinced myself that she was Shaun T's girlfriend. She was after my man. Oh, HELL no! In T25 Tanya is still there. Always at Shaun T's side. Tanya is my new best friend. I love her. I wouldn't be able to do this without her. See, Tanya is the modifier. There are days I have a hard time keeping up with her. But if she wasn't there low impacting the workout for me, I might have quit after day two. Life lesson learned, never judge people, you don't when you might need them. Today is the start of week 3 of T25. I'm gonna kill it, I just know it... Pffffft. Who invented the burpee anyways? Last week I also ordered Hip Hop Abs. Stifle your laughter. It was on sale. I am sucker for a sale. I have no rhythm and no abs. It promises me both of those things. Shaun T has his work cut out for him.

It seems that I am loyal to the Beachbody crew. I have P90X (good workout, hate Tony Horton), Insanity, T25, coming soon Hip Hop Abs. My best friend has Chalene Johnson's workouts. I know that it is hard to want to support these sculpted, fitness millionaires, but in all honesty, they kinda have it figured out. Their eating plans are not drastic, they are reasonable, unfortunately, just a little more reasonable than I would like. Their exercise routines are challenging, but not undoable. I'm not advocating one over another, I'm just saying that I have to do something. They took all the thinking right out of it for me. I get up, I look at their calendar, and they tell me, "Hey stupid, today is cardio day", or, "Lucky you, we are doing lower body today." I don't have to do the planning, they have it all ready to go. I am willing to pay for that. And, in the long run, it is a lot cheaper for me to shake my fat in the comfort of my own home than it is to go shake it in front of a bunch of strangers at the gym. I guess all I am saying is that it doesn't matter what you do, as long as you do something. I can be preachy like that, I have been working out forever (two whole weeks).

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