Friday, May 1, 2015

New program... New goals.

Happy Friday!

I have two days left in my new program this week. Today and tomorrow. Sore was what I wanted and sore was what I got. While I was actively doing the workouts, I didn't think they were all that hard. Had I not already been through T25, I'm sure that I would have thought they were torturous. So far they are not super cardio based, so I am glad that I am running too. Yesterdays workout was interesting. It was nothing but pull-up/chin-ups and push ups. That's it for 30 minutes. On the bar, on the floor, on the bar, on the floor, on the bar, on the floor... You get the idea. Wednesday I was so sore that my run was difficult. Remember how I was fast of foot Monday and flying on cloud nine? Wednesday not so much. Today I fall somewhere in between.

Starting a new program always brings out new holes in my fitness. #1, as you can probably guess from yesterdays pictures, is that I cannot do an unassisted pull-up. Not even one. I can't even hang my own body weight all that long. I have to be realistic about this. I'm watching people on a video do pull-ups that are probably have no more than 10% body fat. I am trying to haul my own body weight and an extra 77 pounds up and down. #2 I am still doing push-ups on my knees. Again, I use the extra weight as an excuse. #3 My slacking in yoga has led to a decline in my flexibility. The great thing about this program is that they put yoga in at least once a week. I got up this morning and did a mini yoga routine and I felt better afterwards. Felt ready to go. This might need to be a regular thing. So, with the holes that currently exist, I have a new set of fitness goals:

1. By the end of this program (90 days) I would like to be doing unassisted pull-ups and chin-ups. I don't know how many, but from where I stand right now, I think if I can even do one unassisted pull-up, that will be kinda a big deal.

**You may have noticed that I get a little obsessed with fitness people. Natalie Jill is my new obsession. She is A-Mazing. Her blog posts are short, sweet, helpful, and to the point. She came out with a new app this week a that has her fitness routines on it. I think I will find it very handy when I am on the road (go get it!). Anyways, she has a blog post about doing pull-ups for women.... Here is the link:

2.The other side of my pull-up stand has an ab leg lift deal-a-ma-bopper. I have no idea what the real name for it is, but you can visualize. Since I got it set-up yesterday I stop and do 10 leg lift ab thingys whenever I walk by it. That is how many I can do before I shamefully slide to the floor. I would like to be doing 20 by the end of this month (short-term goal).

3. I would really like to be doing real push-ups. I feel like I am getting stronger so I feel like this should be a reasonable goal. I used to do all kinds of variations of real push-ups. I am trying to be realistic and take into account my weight. I don't want to set a goal that I can't achieve. I also don't want to attempt something I shouldn't and end up with bad form and a potential injury. So, my goal is to be doing real push-ups by the time I weigh 200 pounds or less. I don't know if those two things will coincide by the end of this program or not, but I hope so!

4. I would like to get back on the yoga wagon. More than the hit and miss that I have been getting done the past few weeks. I would like to go back to three times a week. I don't know that I will make hot yoga three times a week, but I have plenty of yoga tools at my disposal at home as well. It is just a matter of making it a priority.

5. I would like to run at least 2 5K's this year. I haven't decided which two, but I want to find some good local ones that I can do. Who knows... If things keep progressing maybe a 10K is even in my future.

I have lots of goals regarding my weight, fitness, health, etc. right now, but I believe the above set of goals is the most important ones for me to work. They are more important than fighting the scale, they are more important than fitting in the next jeans. AND, if I accomplish these goals, those other things will most likely fall into line.

I have had a fat feeling week. You know what I mean? I highly doubt that I am fatter, but I just have felt that way. I'm sure some of it from starting the new workout program. You start something new and you feel more hungry. You notice new inadequacies that make you feel fat. It has been a stressful week on a personal level and that makes me want to do emotional eating. I'm not doing that, but it makes me want to and just that makes me feel fat. Almost as bad as if I just went ahead and stuffed my face. Being sore makes me feel heavy too. It makes my legs feel like heavy concrete pillars. I'm sure by the end of next week I will be feeling much better. I have a lot on my plate mentally with it being the end of my term at school, all the talking and meeting with doctors for gram, and helping out at my former employer's place. Mental weight may be some of the heaviness that I have been feeling this week.

Have a great weekend all... I am sleeping in tomorrow come hell or high water. I am also hiking sometime this weekend come rain or come shine. Drink your water. ;)

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