Tuesday, May 26, 2015

4 Week Measurements

Hey-o! As promised, I measured up on Sunday (the end of 4 weeks on P90X~Mass). Here are the stats:

Weight        233.0 (down 4.5 pounds)
Waist           43.0 inches (down 1.5 inches)
Hips             50 inches (same)
Chest           44 (same)
Right Arm   16.5 (same)
Left Arm     16.0 (down 0.5 inch)
Right Thigh 28.0 (down 1.5 inches)
Left Thigh   28.5 (down 0.5 inch)
Body Fat %  30% (same)

These are not STUNNING results. Having said that, I am not unhappy with them. First of all, it is important to remember that I started this program after finishing a different program. I did not start it from ground zero. You always see more drastic results at the very beginning. I also just came off of a less than stellar week in the eating department. I ate clean, but I ate too much. Secondly, I lost my FitBit. While I might think that I am stepping the same, I was not really tracking it. GOOD NEWS!!! My FitBit was found and returned yesterday. But I forgot to put it on this morning. Tomorrow, I am back on the FitBit track. Look out all my FitBit friends... I'm stepping again! Lastly, everything either went down or stayed the same. Nothing went up. I do feel like my arms and legs are getting more toned, so if that means that I am replacing fat with muscle, I'll take it. I skipped yesterday, which means I am going to have to double up this week some time, but I had company from out of town, I partied too hard Sunday night, and it was a holiday (how's that for a bunch of worthless excuses). But I plan on finishing this program in the allotted time and I am excited to see what the new workouts are for this month.

My running app is not allowing hardly any walking time. As in there are two walking stints that last 45 seconds each for the entire run. I now lap my starting point which means that I am covering more distance in the same amount of time. I am scooting right along. I feel like I could run a 5K with relative ease right now. How's that for a big deal? 6 weeks ago I couldn't run longer than a minute and a half without walking. BOOM. Here is a weird fun fact for you... When I run I can spit like a guy. If I was standing still I'm lucky if I don't drool on myself. Not that I spit a lot or anything. I had a little bit of a head cold last week, not enough to stop me, just enough to annoy me. But I get a little phlegm when I run still. Gotta get rid of it somehow. So, I spit, but I can spit a long, long ways!

At the end of this week I am travelling to Colorado to shoot a wedding. We will see how I do sticking to my workouts on the road. Wish me luck. I'll do my best.

In other news, I have a puppy sleeping in my lap. I bought him in the parking lot of a KFC (no, I didn't eat there). He is a dorkie (dachshund x yorkie = dorkie). His name is Slack. He is the cutest thing I have ever seen. I super duper love him. Happy Tuesday!! Drink your water!!

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