Saturday, May 30, 2015

Keeping it real.

I'm about to tell you a story that is Too Much Information. But, we like to keep it real around here at The Final Fifty, so consider yourselves fairly warned. 

I think I told you guys that I was road tripping this weekend to photograph a wedding in Colorado. It was 13 hours in the car yesterday. We did stop off for a little hike that involved circumventing three rattle snakes. I was less than impressed. I am determined not to fall behind in my running or workout programs while travelling so this morning I got up early and went for a run. Yesterday we were playing trivia in the car. One of the questions was to define homeostasis. It is a biological state of equilibrium. I'm my world and in laymans terms, it is pooping daily. Needless to say, travel can disrupt my homeostasis. I was about halfway through my run this morning when I was presented with a definite problem. I was going to return to a state of biological equilibrium whether I wanted to or not. I was fortunate in the fact that at that very moment a ditch and a tree presented itself. All I can say is don't judge me. I would like to think that each of you would make the same choice if you were faced with pooping your pants or shamefully dropping a deuce in a ditch. My deepest apologies to the state of Colorado. As it turns out you can't outrun biology. Happy Saturday!!!

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