Thursday, June 11, 2015

Feeling Like A Little List

Hey Gang! We haven't had a good list in awhile...

1) I started wearing men's deodorant. I am a sweater. Not a woolen, cozy clothing item that you wear in the winter. A person that perspires, profusely. Like I just started thinking about sweating and now I am sweating. I also get cold easily, so it is a weird dichotomy in my life. None-the-less, there are no women's deodorants that can keep up with my sweating in the summer. Since it went from Spring to Summer basically overnight here in Southern Idaho, here I am sweaty and stinky. Enter Old Spice Sport edition. I feel better about raising my arm already. Oh wait, is that the Sure commercial?

2) I don't want, or like, to use this blog as a political forum, so I will keep this list item short and sweet. With Gram's cancer and chemo and all the fun stuff that goes with it, I am getting an up close and personal taste of all the things that are eff-ed up with our health care system. There are a lot. That is all.

3) My belly doesn't hit the back of my saddle horn when I ride anymore. Bonus. Mind you, I still have plenty of belly to go around, but I'm no longer donning a round bruise in my midsection.

4) In reference to #3... I have been riding more! I missed it. I like my ponies that I have right now and even though I am just getting them legged up (or started) and not really training for any big event, it feels good to be getting something done with them besides just throwing hay at them and wishing them the best.

5) I never feel so accomplished as I do after a run. I am getting more addicted to the running. I always feel like I really did something and really tried hard at doing something after I get back from a run. Whether that is shedding pounds off of me or not, it has to be a good thing for my health and mental well-being. I think I'll keep after it. I'm even thinking about signing up for a race. Right now my focus is to improve my minutes/mile. New goal... after I get under 200# I want to train for a 10k. If you hear me start saying the words half-marathon or marathon, it might be time for an intervention.

6) I am sooooooo happy it is summer. Some people hate the heat, I LOVE it. Like really, really love it. I have to wear sweatshirts in A/C. I once had a good friend tell me that bacon always looks/smells better in the frying pan than it does in the refrigerator. Needless to say, I am frying my bacon (insert getting a tan). Looks better, yes, smells better, well, refer to #1 of the list.

7) Is there any worse feeling in the world than feeling unwelcome somewhere? I had someone make me feel that way last week and I hated it. It made me a little sad, then it made me a little mad. I would like all of you to pinky swear that if I EVER make you feel that way please not only tell me, but feel free to give my behind a swift kick!!

8) Speaking of my behind, I feel like it might be a couple inches higher off the ground these days. Did I get taller? Are you wondering if I started wearing wedge heels everywhere I go?? No to all of the above. I think that the working out is paying off a little and my saggy/flabby arse is maybe a little less saggy and a little less flabby.

10) This post would not be complete without a mention of Slack. I got a new puppy. He was supposed to be a birthday present for my mom, but he has clearly chosen me as his person. He loves her too, but he loves me more. You know, because a puppy's love is most definitely a competition. He is little, and ferocious, and cuddly, and spotted, and smart, and has just enough German in him to be obstinate. I am putting extra effort in to make sure that Wiener and Camo still feel special. They are a little bowed up that Slack gets to go to work with me, but how else will I get him potty trained?? Plus, they are wiener dogs, no matter what I do they are gonna be bowed up about it.

11) Thanks for staying tuned-in! I know the personal posts are fewer and farther in between these days, but I promise, when I have something to say you guys will hear it. Keep drinking your water, keep moving your feet, and enjoy the heck out of this summer heat. (I know I just rhymed a little right there, don't hold it against me).

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