Monday, May 18, 2015

Gut Check

Lately I have been doing a lot of little re-posts to keep things going on the page but I haven't really checked in for a while. There has been A LOT going on and I just haven't had a chance to sit down and organize my thoughts on all of it. 

Let's start with why I decided it was important to do so this morning. Friday before last I weighed in. Just to see where I was at. I decided I was going to do measurements once a month on this new program (so, end of this week), but I was curious about my weight. I had dropped 3 pounds in the first 10 days or so of the new P90X3. Thumbs up. Not a shocking number of pounds, but it was at least going in the right direction. This morning I decided to do the same thing, but for different reasons. I have been STARVING for the last week and a half since that weigh-in. Like I could eat anything and everything in sight and not even blink an eye. I have been trying to make healthy choices, but I definitely feel my portion size creeping up to more than what it should be. My water intake has not been nearly as much as it was (shame on me) and I also feel pretty tired (insert sluggish). So, this morning, I was up a pound. Not down, not the same, UP! I haven't missed any P90X3 workouts, but I did miss my last run of the week last Friday due to torrential downpours. In this past two weeks I have had several birthday parties that I have attended which means that I have had little pieces of cake because who doesn't deserve a piece of cake sometimes, right??? With my metabolism the answer there is WRONG, not right. There have also been some chorizos eaten, even without the bun, not a stellar choice for me. For those of you that don't live in Marsing, Idaho and don't know what a chorizo is, it is a spicy hot dog on steroids. I had company come from out of town which of course meant taking them to my favorite places to eat out and cooking a feast or two at home for them. So, all of this has added up to an extra pound. A pound that I had gone and now have to get rid of again. 

So, why? Why the naughty eating when tempted? Why the not making up for the lost run over the weekend? Why the diminished water intake? Why the extra pound???? WHY????

First off (brace yourselves, gentlemen), I started my period. I don't know about the rest of you girls, but this hormonal up swing just about kills me in the dieting and restraint department. The week before it I have terrible insomnia. Like I might sporadically get 3 hours of sleep in a night no matter what I do. I end up reading a lot of books in the middle of the night. This makes me tired. Which in turn makes me hungry. Insert first deposit of extra calories. During my period the hunger factor gets cranked up by 1,000% and I want to eat EVERYTHING. I could clean out the cupboards even if they only had mustard and pickles in them. I don't even know, taste, or care what I am eating. And, now in an attempt to catch up, all I want to do is sleep. I have to make myself workout during this week. My motivation is zero. I do it anyways, but it is more of a going through the motions kind of thing. I can justify just about anything during this part of the month for me. 

Second, the stress level around my outfit is getting pretty high. Going through cancer treatments and the whole process of cancer with someone is not really all that fun or for the faint at heart. Top it off with the fact that my family is not the best bunch of communicators on the planet and you have a tailor made recipe for bottled up feelings and anger. Fits have been thrown. Fights have been had. Emotions are running a little high. This of course leads to some emotional eating because that's how you deal with feelings in my family, you stuff food on top of them until they suffocate and quit trying to surface. 

Lastly, I lost my FitBit. My little accountability friend has jumped ship somewhere. I miss him terribly. I can think that I am making my steps all I want to, but who is to know, I don't have my little buddy reporting in to me. After payday this week I plan on ordering a new one. But it has been over a week now without him, a bad week to boot (see reason #1), and I didn't realize what a darn good motivator he was. 

There have been some ups and some downs. Plateaus and small weight gains are a part of any weight loss journey. The important thing right now is that I realize it, get it in check, and get that scale going in the opposite direction. Oh, and that I drink my water. Have a great week all!! I'm gonna give it hell. 

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