Thursday, December 27, 2012

Why do fat pants make me skinny?

Quick thought for today...
Why am I still wearing my fat pants? Mind you they aren't my super fat pants, but they sure as heck don't fit me. Here are some options:
A) These pants are not worn out yet, and since I am so frugal I have to keep wearing them.
B) It was just the holidays, I can't spend money on myself.
C) I love it when people tell me how big my clothes are getting... Even if its the same fat pants for the last two months.
D) I hate shopping. I really hate shopping for pants. I feel like a can of popped biscuits when I try on pants... And, that makes me hungry.
Well, if you picked C or D you would be correct. I still feel skinny in my fat pants vs. the ones that fit and I can't hide in. So, there you have it, in all honesty I'm not all that frugal.

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