Sunday, December 30, 2012

My belly hurts.... I need a pickle.

I made a cake... Pause for the collective gasp at the fat chic making a cake... It was a cake for a wedding reception. It was for close friends and it turned out great thanks to help from another dear sweet friend of mine. I am currently doing a two week stint of just juicing to clear myself of the holiday sodium, fat, sugar, dairy festival that I partook in so heartily. Oh, and the booze, let's not forget the booze. So, baking a cake in the middle of my juice fast meant eating cake in the middle of my juice fast. And, as luck would have it I had a stroke of bad luck this week that, in my mind, required a bit of emotional eating. Pfffft. When you make "wedding" cakes, you cut the tops off... Waste not want not. It started with just a taste, enter lie #1 to myself. It ended with swiping frosting on chunks of cake and stuffing them in my mouth as fast as I could  like I was hiding it from the non-existent crowd in the kitchen.  My friend didn't care, she was having cake top too. I cared, but it didn't stop me. As I was doing dishes I realized that the sugar and white flour were having an argument with the beet/kale juice in my belly. And you would think the nausea would make me never want to eat again, NOPE, I wanted a pickle. I actually uttered the words, "My belly hurts... I need a pickle". You know why, my body was trying to balance the sugar with a whopping dose of salt. The only honorable thing I did that evening was not eat a pickle, which, stand alone would have been a better cheat than the cake.
Moral of the story:
When you eat crap, you crave crap. When you eat healthy you crave healthy. When I started this weight loss journey I gave it a kick start by juicing for 60 days. I'm not suggesting that is for everyone, but it worked for me. As an avid gardener, cooker, and tried every diet trick on the planet chic, the idea of a natural substance, non-pre-packaged, no pills kinda diet appealed to me. Now I'm no vegetarian, granola eating hippy, far from it. Put a steak in front of me, I dare ya. But, as it turns out vegetables are good for you and are critical to any weight loss program. They are filling, packed full of nutrients, and low calorie. Its like God reached down, handed us a basket full of goodies and said "Here stupid, eat these, you'll feel great and as an added bonus, you'll look good". I'll post more on the juicing another day, but the cake episode reminded me that bad food doesn't actually make me feel better, if anything, worse. I'm feeling like myself again post-holiday free-for-all and all I changed was what I put in my body. Go figure. I'm not letting it ruin the rest of my initial juicing and I am forging ahead. So, it started with a little lie to myself, but its ending in me at least recognizing it and rolling on. Don't let a slip up turn your personal weight loss or health kick on its ear. Don't mercilessly beat yourself up about it and throw everything out the window, move on, you'll be glad you did. And, even if I didn't eat one... PICKLES ROCK!!!

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