Thursday, June 27, 2013


I'm getting ready to leave on vacation tomorrow. I'm headed to Canada, I'm a real international traveller like that. Don't be surprised if you don't hear much from me this coming week. Also, don't be surprised if I come back and add way too many vowels to all the words in my posts upon my return. Here are some things about vacation that make me lose my hair... Literally and figuratively.

1) I'm going to a dear friend's wedding. This is the wedding I have been worried about having "the" outfit for. I don't have "the" outfit. This may seem ridiculous, and it probably is, that I keep worrying about this. But the people that I am going to visit haven't seen me in awhile, so, I obviously look a little different considering I have dropped another humans worth of weight off my body. These people, some of my people, have been VERY supportive of my weight loss/health quest. For some reason it is important to me that I look my best when I am there. I don't want to let them down and have them think that all there support was for nothing. Although there is no chance on the planet that they would ever feel this way. EVER. Welcome to my endless rant of insecurities. So weird.

2) I am photographing this wedding. It is my first wedding to perform this task. I am not a wedding photographer. I'm not sure how many you have to do to consider yourself one, but I'm pretty sure ZERO isn't the number. Wedding moments only happen once. You can't stop the ceremony and ask them to do it again because you were slow on the trigger. As a result my iron gut is suffering from some intestinal distress. That should make the drive interesting. Again, these are the kindest people you would ever hope to meet and are going to love whatever I capture, which just makes me want to do a good job all the more.

3) I am driving by myself, a recurrent theme in my life. I do this pretty well, but, my driving record as of late has been classified as less than stellar. Thank goodness not all of my mishaps have had to be reported to my insurance. I'm sure they just laugh every time I call. Here's hopin I can stay out of vehicular trouble for the week.

4) The trip is going to be much shorter than I would like. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the friend that I am going to visit. The miles between us aren't fair. She is a gooden to have around. We stay in contact nearly daily, I know our friendship will sustain no matter what the distance or circumstance. But the spoiled brat in me would like to have more than 5 days to see her. I am thankful that I can be free-wheeling enough to jump in the car and get to go see her at all. Maybe I need to lean a little more towards that attitude instead of already feeling sorry for myself for not getting to spend two weeks... or three weeks... or a month... Be grateful for the time I get, I could not have it all.

5) I'll be meeting a lot of new people. Most people don't realize that I am kinda shy. At least with new people. I'm always nervous about what kind of impression I might make. I don't want to embarrass the people that I am associated with. I also don't want to fall short of any reputation (at least if it's good) that may precede me. Smile, Funny Fat Chic, it's gonna be just fine. I'm also bad with names. I'm gonna spend the drive trying to come up with some mnemonic devices to help me with that.

6) I inevitably will forget to pack about 7 things. And, if you saw how I packed you'd find this VERY funny. Part of the reason I hate to fly is it limits my ability to take everything I own with me. This time I am not only packing clothes, but am adding camera gear on top of that, and then in attempt to stay somewhat on track while I'm away, I will have some workout stuff and pre-made juice and hemp shakes. I don't want to gain 5lbs while on my road trip, but I am going to have fun and try not to stress too much about IT. If I can sneak my shakes in for breakfast and hit my juice where I can, squeeze in some workouts without tying up too much time I should be ok, and hopefully call it a success on the health front. But, I am going to Canada and there WILL be drinking. I WILL be participating, come hell or high water... As it turns out they have actually had the high water portion of that statement as of late.

There it is, my neurotic ramblings over what will be an amazing trip no matter how it shakes out. Have a great week and a wonderful 4th of July next week!! I'll be back.... (that's my best Arnold impression, how'd you like it????)

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