Friday, August 16, 2013

Oh Sweet Summer Time...

My, oh, my, where has the summer gone??? And where on earth is Carmen San Diego?? (did I date myself with that comment??) And, more importantly, why has Funny Fat Chic abandoned her blog??? As it turns out I can only answer one of those questions, the last one. It wasn't so much as abandonment, but something more along the lines of Funny Fat Chic has been burning the candle at both ends and in the middle. But, I am fully and finally ready to get back into the swing of things on several fronts. Here is a nice little list rundown of what has been happening in my regular world, nutrition world, weight loss world, exercise world, and mental well-being world. That's like a summer solar system for ya...

1) Busy you say, busy doing what?? I went to Canada, photographed a wedding and spent a little time with one of my dearest friends. Came home, kept rolling on with my day job, which honestly is beginning to get in the way of the rest of my life. Photographed a horse show. Then another wedding (two now under my belt, does that make me a wedding photographer, I think not...). Then a one-year-old's birthday party (herding cats). Then a stallion advertisement photo shoot. Then I went camping and unwound just a little. Then I went and showed my three-year-old cow pony for the first time. I have another horse show to shoot this weekend. So, my life has basically been like this, get up at 4am, feed the orphan foal, edit pictures until it is time to go to work. Go to work, pretend I'm thinking about work and not the 3,000 other things I need to be doing. Go home. Do chores. Go ride two horses. Go back home and edit pictures until I'm ready to pass out at 10 or 11. Repeat until utter exhaustion sets in.

2) What is missing from item 1??? That's right, you guessed it, exercise. I have not stuck to a legitimate exercise routine since I went to Canada. Holy cow, that stinks. That stinks a lot. I'm starting to notice a little lack of energy and some soft spots. Thus, it is time to schedule exercise back into my life. No if's, and's, or inordinately large butt's about it. I bought T-25, Shaun T's new workout regime, I am going to put it to work, it's 5 days a week and I am going to lift weights 3 days a week. I am going to be my super fit happy self again, not this walking dead, soft bellied shell of my earlier summer self.

3) Nutrition front has been going pretty well. I ate like a nasty teenager while I was camping, but I did a cleanse afterwards and shamefully shook a finger at myself in the mirror because I felt as crappy as the food I ate. Totally not really worth it. Go figure. I am still juicing at some point during the day, whether it be a snack or a meal replacement, I still feel like it is an important part of my health. Vegetables=Good Nutrition. Not a hard equation. I have been looking into the Paleo stuff. Which is basically the new buzz word for eating clean. Which is basically what I do. If I could cut out peanuts (aka peanut butter) and popcorn, I would be a poster child for Paleo, or at least the poster child for a clean eater. I have no desire to be on a poster and I am gonna have to think long and hard about the peanut butter and popcorn. Those are two emotional coping mechanisms I'm just not sure I can part with. Seems like a weak excuse to me, I would totally tell someone else that is a dumb reason to keep that extra 15-20lbs on, but when it comes right down to it, I love my peanut butter and popcorn, not together mind you.

4) Weight loss is in a holding pattern. I am happy with that. I have not been making a conscious attempt at losing weight other than the post-camping cleanse. Without the insane exercise regime and super stringent eating regulations, I am happy that the changes I have made are automatic enough that I haven't ballooned my way to hating myself through the summer. I will say that this last week has been hard. I think that I am confusing my tiredness with hunger. A bad confusion to make. After this crazy weekend I am going to become more vigilant about getting the appropriate amount of sleep, getting my energy boosting exercise in, and making the healthy nutrition decisions I need to keep after. Time to crack down on this last bit of excess yuck that I don't need hanging around on my body anymore!! Be gone belly, be gone thighs, be gone arm jiggle.

5) Mental well-being. Ha! I scoff at the phrase. Who needs to be mentally well anyways. Honestly, I do think that I have just been so busy I haven't had that much time to dwell on anything and cause myself mental anguish. My horse tossed a few curve balls at me to keep me worrying about something besides myself. So, that means Busy Trish=Happy, Yet Tired Trish. My goal is to get one photo shoot edited at a time and get everything checked off of my list before I commit to anything else that will make me go tilt or feel any guilt. And get my house back in order. And spend some time with my neglected family and friends. And get some sleep. Did I mention I am a little tired???

So, there you have, Funny Fat Chic's not-so-wild and crazy summer. Sorry for my absence and I promise to pay more attention to you guys as well, I've missed ya and the accountability that comes with talking to you. Welcome back!!!

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