Tuesday, June 4, 2013

New emotion.... VANITY

I've been feeling a little vain lately. Don't worry, I'm not strutting around acting like my you know what doesn't stink or anything. I have just been noticing some things and taking action on them that I never would have before. For example... I have a renegade nose hair in my left nostril. I was never aware of its existence before and now I keep tweezers in the car to yank that sucker out every time it crops up. Another example is that I worry about how my clothes fit. Now, I don't want you to think I've jumped off the deep end, I still wear fat pants to work, thrifty beats vanity any day of the week and twice on Sundays. But I think about it when I leave the house for any other reason. Is this shirt too tight? Do these pants make me look shorter? Do these sleeves make me look like a football player? You know, stuff like that. I'm also uncomfortable in my hair, that's not really new, but I do feel like I am more at odds with it these days. Can't we all just get along? I think gone are the day's of the girl that had "go to town hoodies", hardly ever wore make-up, had never met nail polish or an eyelash curler, and never bothered to check a mirror before exiting the house. I'm WAY to vain now.

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