Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Shhhh... I have a secret.

Do you love the skin you're in?? What is that commercial, Olay? Dove? Anyways, here is my secret. Having beautiful skin has nothing to do with what you put on it. I'll say it again, having beautiful skin has NOTHING to do with what you put on it. God's honest truth. So, Funny Fat Chic, you say, what does it have to do with??

Water. Mostly water, and some of what you eat. Maybe a touch of genetics. Here is the deal. Please don't think I am being conceited here, I have just realized the answer to a mystery. I get compliments on my skin all the time. From people I know and from complete strangers. Like ALL the time, almost daily. It's like kinda weird. Makes me uncomfortable. I mean I would rather get a compliment on my flabby ass, or manly hands, or stubby legs. In my youth, my skin was ok, typical teenage skin, the occasional zit, nothing to write home about. In my 20's, with the nasty eating habits and stress of college and the like, I had major acne. Awful, painful, hideous looking skin. I was mortified. I had never had my skin look like that before. I tried every cream, every wash, everything from Proactive to tea tree. You name it, I put it on my face. Guess what??? None of it worked. And most of it is expensive. I went through a phase where I decided to eat right, drink water instead of soda pop, exercise, and my skin cleared up without me even trying. Know what's cheap?? Water.

Fast forward to current date. Two weeks after I started my initial juice cleanse all anyone could talk about was my skin. You are glowing, what are you doing? Are you pregnant? No, man, I am on the juice. As part of the juicing I got in the habit of drinking A LOT of water. Currently, I shoot for a gallon a day. Think about that for a second. Does the 4 glasses of water you grab throughout the day add up to a gallon... Probably not. First thing when I get up in the morning, I drink 32 oz before I jump in the shower. Next thing, I drink hot water and fresh lemon juice before I have breakfast. Lemon is a good cleanser inside and out. It's cheap, it's tasty tart, it's good stuff. Then I continue to drink water through the day. The water keeps my guts moving, gross, but important, helps my liver filter out the bad stuff that would usually break out on my face, and keeps my cells hydrated. The only time I get a blemish is if I stray off my healthy path. I recently read a study that said 80% of Americans are clinically dehydrated. That is why we are sluggish, hungry, and full of zits!!! But seriously, drink a lot of water. Measure for awhile so you know how much a gallon really is. Drink your water.

The also mentions of pretty skin, what you eat... Don't eat processed food. Bottom line. It has additives, chemicals, things that your body hates. Things that your body tries to get rid of in cruel ways, like acne, bad coloring, wrinkles. Clean eating = clear skin. Drink your water.

Last one, genetics. In this case you got what you got. So, drink your water.

That's my secrets for great skin. I haven't used lotion in months. Just sunscreen. I'm not dry, I'm a little glowy (not as much as when I just juice), and I feel pretty good. Know why??? I drink my water.

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