Wednesday, September 18, 2013

I may be becoming a bear...

A bear, why a bear? Am I growing a furry coat? A short stubby tail?? Have I taken a $#!& in the woods??? The answer is NO to all of the above. What makes me bear-like is my current state of hunger which can only be likened to a creature getting ready for a long winter with deep hibernation and my attitude of late which can be described as nothing short of bad. Very bad attitude. So what the heck is going on. When in doubt, blog about it!!

We'll go alphabetical, attitude first. I have myself a little overextended. And when I say a little, I mean that I have finally and officially bitten off more than I can chew. And in an attempt to help out a friend, I have signed up to drive myself over the edge by working for them out of town for the next two weeks. Which basically means that I will be putting my life (aka unending responsibilities) on hold for the next two weeks. Oh, and sleep, I'll be putting that on hold as well. So, between, work, the horses, my photography stuff (still have 2 weddings to finish editing), and school, guess what I haven't been doing.... EXERCISE!!! Which may also be contributing to my current state of nasty attitude. I feel like a few pounds have snuck back on. I refuse to step on a scale and see how many. My jeans still fit but they are most definitely snugger. I can tell my flexibility has gone downhill and there is a little more jiggle in my thighs. Sigh. Pffft. So, my vow, my solemn vow, is that after my two week out of town stint, it is back on the exercise wagon. No excuses, no cop-outs, no giving up. By Spring I want to be fit, not "I can run around the block" fit, but "Did you see the arms on that chic?" fit. As a result of being overextended, I am also not in a good frame of mind to handle change. There have been some big changes at my work, namely a new employee. I need to have a much better frame of mind about her than I do. I should be setting a better example for my staff. I need to not want to call in sick the days she is working. Vow number two, at the end of two weeks I need to go back to work with a better frame of mind.

Ok, now that we hashed out the attitude, we can roll on to the hunger. I think many of the above reasons are playing into the hunger factor. An additional one may be the plain old fact that I am tired, again. So, time to start recognizing the difference between hungry and tired. If only I could take a nap at lunch. My other problem at work is that instead of running off at the mouth when something irritates me, and by that, I mean makes me IRATE, I shove peanuts in my mouth. Handfuls of peanuts from the snack drawer. It could be worse, it could be chocolate, but it's not a healthy habit none-the-less. It is getting cool in the evenings, so I think that I want to eat in the evenings, for no apparent reason. Basically, I have taken a little turn for the worst. But, the buck stops here. Time to turn the tide back the other direction and get myself pulled together. I'm too important, have come too far, and worked too hard to let a little exhaustion and crappy co-worker rain on my parade. I don't wanna be a bear, I hope you don't wanna be a bear either.

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